Tuesday, September 25, 2007

what else? GIRL DOODLES!

when you're not sure what to do because of a lack of focus, a need to procrastinate, desire to avoid dealing with dreaded taxes or organizing your (filthy) art desk, etc ... a simple solution is--draw some girl doodleheads!! Works wonders everytime! (none of those other things get done but, hey....look, cute girl doodleheads...)

Social Diva

Cutie Pie




And if you have an 8-11 year old girl---you might want to pick up the first couple "My Sister The Vampire" books, written by Sienna Mercer. Yours truly did the book covers! (There are 4 in total and the first 2 are out now)
Book 1 "Switched"
Book 2 "Fangtastic!"
It was a treasure of an experience working with Allyson, Joel and Chloe over at Harper Collins! Oh, how I hope they hire me again!!