Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello Friday. So nice to see you again.

Trading Faces cover concept

Here's an early version of a book cover concept I did a while back. I'm posting it because I just rediscovered it and think it's kinda cute, even if the direction changed a bit.

Lordy! What a week!! I know, I's not quite over yet...but for me, IT IS. I am done! The "universe" tested me in a big way over the past many days but I did manage to meet my deadlines (with happy clients!!) while dealing with all the other hoopla.
So, for that I say "hallelujah" and let me get the hell out of town! I'm taking off to the desert tomorrow morning. It'll be really nice for a change of scenery.

Happy Weekend, People!


hussein said...

Nice blog

Anson Jew said...

So simple, yet you pack so much into it! Lovely image!

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Friends Online Community said...

So nice to see you again through this blog and it is very nice to see this drawings and postings.

Ann said...

Hello. Thanks for your art. The creatures are wonderful! Thanks once again!

Unknown said...

Cute!! This is lovely!

Jon McNally said...

Just finished reading The Imposter's Daughter this morning. Your color adds much, as I assume was the intent! Hope the spring is treating you extra-nicely.

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Hi! Great blog! Beautiful work!

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really sweet illustration. well done!

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Love the work! your colors are awesome :) See ya at the dog park!

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