A little on the late side for this week's Illustration Friday theme, "Aging". And it's not because I forgot or even a result of being tired (both symptoms of old age) I was simply buried with work. But wait, I am forgetful and I'm exhausted too. Add to that, the numbers. And the numbers don't lie, I am getting older!! Dammit!!
Instead of waxing on and on about aches, wrinkles and those snarky greys...I kept thinking of the song "Young-at-Heart" by ol' Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra. Great song. Wonderful song. So, then I started thinking about little kids...and this image came to mind. One of those seldom times where the idea AND the execution came together nice and quick. Which is great, considering my age and all!! ;)
Hee! Excellent concept, Paige, and well illo'd. Interesting how we moan in our 30's and 40's about being old. We don't know the half of it. I guess we're just getting an early taste of the body not being able to do everything it used to.
Fantastic, I can see myself as the old man one day (in the form of a woman, of course)
Keep up the fabulous work. :)
Wonderful take on the title, lady. :)
Since this is my first comment on your blog, I'd like to let you know I really dig the great things I've seen here. Love your stuff!
it remembered me of my grandpa :') thanks!
Nani (the atomic flea)
This is cute.. I like it. hehehe.. Hey, I have to say.. you're illustrations are really nice. I love 'em! :) - Giff
There's subtle widsom, innocent-beauty-of-youth in your writing. At that, you aren't "old" at all. *)
i like this one paige! i can relate to it because the young girl's drawing reminded me of my niece when she got so disappointed that i get to try first her new computer game...bad aunt! poor girl!
Wonderful expressions on the faces, great body language, and the old guy's flipping comb-over is a perfect touch...
Let's shake hands, I am busy drawing rockets all week!
this is soooooo cute x)
Haha very nice! :) The expression on that kids face is cute!
This is such a fun piece. That's going to be me when I grow old.
You consistently make me smile. Thank you.
Sorry I cann't speak english well. I'm just can speak indonesian language.
Keren banget sich blog nya gimana sich cara buatnya? konsepnya juga asik, aku ngasih dua jempol de buat anda.
First time to your blog.. It is wonderful.. thank you for sharing your passion.
Great! It got a out-loud laugh from my son. I actually got on one of those a couple months ago. It was a horse. I think I won the derby. Don't work too hard Paige, just keep the pictures coming.
Paige Hello from Bristol in the UK. Your illustrations are fantastic and a lot of fun, look forward to seeing some more of your illustrations :-)
That painting brought a smile to my face. It really is a wonderful piece of artwork.
Hi! This is my first time reading your blog and I love it! Good job, keep it up!
Haha! You know, I hope I can have the nerve to do the exact same thing to a kid someday...when I'm VERY old, that is. :-)) Very cute illo Paige.
Wonderful illustration! I just pointed to this post on my blog. Thanks!
wonderful idea~! so so cute~! looking at ur work.. made my day!
Great blog. What do you use to create your drawings?
thank you, nice people! this was a fun little mini-illo and I loved doing it...mainly because it didn't take very long to do. I see know some tweaks I'd like to make...but, for now, it's fine.
A few replies:
Paula, yeah you're so right-on. I'm still pretty young but 40 is not many years away...this freaks me out. Still, don't they say that "40" is the new "30"?!
Alex: I kept your requests for a new drawing in mind! ;)
Penguinaut: that's a very nice compliment, thank you!
Kactiguy: it pleases me to no end that I got an outload chuckle from your son! That is awesome. thanks for letting me know.
Denis: yes, I've actually tried to wedge myself in one of these...a few years back. It's impossible. Maybe when the bones have settled more (osteriousis?) I can do it too. I'll meetcha in front of the grocery store for that ride!
Jdati: my goodness, thank you!
Steve: I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop software and a very OLD and "crashy" computer to make my drawings.
Thanks again, all of you!
I do that all the time! Thanks for capturing one of my many vices in technicolor.
:) Midwest
Illustrator and Photoshop? Someday I need to learn how you get those great textures!
What fun, I love it.
Paige - LOVE your blog! do you mind if i add your link to my "favorite cliques" on mine? (http://www.loveleighknitz.blogspot.com/)
i love your artwork - great style! so up-beat, cheerful! really enjoy it!
Great illustration! It's so important to stay young at heart.
thank heavens you managed to muster up the energy in those creaky bones to dish out this beauty! Damn cute, the old guy looks terrific.
hey, i was just browsin' around and stumbled across your blog...seems pretty cool...check mine out sometime...www.joshuakanderson.blogspot.com...its art related, just a different medium...take it easy
Excellent work. I battle old age with frequent trips to the gym and long runs through the suburbs.
The end result:
Chiseled abs and popping pecs?
Tendinitis and chronic back pain.
What the young don't know, the aged don't want.
Just wanted to say I love your style.Great take on the topic too.
These images are awsome!!!
Man that's me when I get older :0). At least I hope so.
hello paige!
ur illustrations are different and they're cute too! I like how u talk about some topic then have the pictures to accomodate! u're a fantastic artist!
Paige, I just turned 30 a couple weeks ago and lamented about it for weeks. THis illo reminds me that I am only just beginning. Thanks!
thanks for the previous about banners.
I figured out!!!
Chibithulhu supports the ideqa of being young at heart, even when one is vigintillions of years old.
I can relate to your illustration -- I feel much younger than I am! LOL! At 57, 60 isn't far away! I love the way your mind and your talent works! :-)
Age is but a state of mind. After all life is about being a Phoenix!
Check out my Blog on that too.
your pictures are really great, they look like they've been done on a computer or something, or out of a magazine - they're amazing!
I LOVE your illustrations! Well done on a cool page.
I'll be back and back and back...
Happy Friendship Day :-)
MAN! Look at all these fabulous people leaving you comments. Well,I'll add my 2 cents too and say, FABULOSO! Love it. That will be me in about 30 years with a grandchild or two sulking I bet!
hey, i came across ur blog. and i must say your illustrations are really goooood! it just makes me smile. keep it up.
i hope you can do a girl daydreaming & caught in the lalaland of her imagination ---amidst all the academic stuff she's required to do...
Hello from Malaysia, I love all yr illustrations. They really make my day. The old gentleman's hair
reminds me of Cameron Diaz in "There's something about Mary" - remember the 'hair-gell'? Keep up the excellent work.
You have a very distinct style. I like the way you draw simple things and make a statement.
Good luck!
Forever young -- my sentiments exactly! Thanks for sharing your talent. Great work!
Hi, I have been posting doodles for a couple months. They are a little darker then yours I think yours are very good. Leave a comment on my blog and I will link you. (or not)
When shopping the store
I like the treats more
Games, or a new toy not small
With a wriggle we'll win
A dear rocket to ride in
Surely we'll have us a ball
Come race to the spot
With the quarters we got
Use your cane, or a walker if need
We'll shove kids away
Cuz they'll soon have their day
For age is a chore we all heed
Put that in your liver spot and smoke it ;)
Came across this blog for the first time and enjoyed it very much. I have two you might like at http://alvisgogwecker.blogspot.com
Very nice, very cool.
check stanza23.blogspot.com
Cool blog.
Thailand Mayhem!
Your Pictures are great! And the thoughts as well. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work....
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
wow! i really love your blog. nice way to express thoughts. i do believe that a picture paints a thousand words. mind if i link you!? thanks! ^^
You have an God given incredible talent - thanks for sharing it. Your art is fantastic!
Blessings to you,
adiing banner is easy...though u hav done it....i myself prefer the html more than css.....
Nice and cool illustration...
Wow, I found your blog just by coincidence, but I gotta say I loved all your images, I really did.
Btw, I'm Agustina from Argentina ;)
Keep up with the good work
Woow!! The other day my 3 year old daughter was just like that while i was making a sand castle on the beach!(like: why isn't she just lying and looking at me???) so cool! Love your Blog, keep up making us smile!
cool stuff.
Another great image. I enjoy your art. It's simple and sweet and about life. It's true art because I know I could never do it.
Hilarious illo; thanks for posting it! I'm on the downhill slide to 40 myself (I'll be there in just under four months), but I'm having a blast, just like your old dude. For me it's dancing in church (yep, flags, streamers, the whole bit; and no, I'm not willowy and tall, but that doesn't stop me!), but I can totally relate to this guy wanting to ride the ride -- I've considered doing it myself a few times! ;-)
Keep up the great work! No wonder Blogspot had you listed (catchy name, too, "eyes wide apart"; that's what brought me here).
thank you. I have to be honest with you...I've never heard of Eddie Jordan. I'm not all that familiar with Formula One...I know people drive fast cars, but thats about it. For the rocket ship, I'd say my inspiration would have been geared more towards old school tin-toys of rocket ships and cars. Basically, I just used primary colors.
I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
hey Nice Blogs and have a nice day. i am adding you to my blog friends list.
Just wrote a poem on aging so this illustration tickled me...sort of the icing on the cake to my recent prose. You have an abundance of post-ers that make mention to your talent and I'm not a fan of redundancy, however, your stuff is really quite cool.
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