Friday, July 29, 2005

Got blog banner?

Alrighty! Many of you have contacted me asking how to add a banner to the top of your blog. I struggled with this too. Blogger's Dashboard doesn't really make it too easy, does it?! Well, I ended up doing what you guys did, I found and contacted someone else with a banner in place and they kindly offered up the information. (Thanks, Jaime!) So, in the spirit of communal bloggin' and all's what I did:

First, I have my own home site where I host my images and hotlink to this blog. There are other options for uploading images to blogger, but I've not tried these so you'll have to try'em out yourselves. I'm using the minima template by designer, Douglas Bowman. My banner image is 649 pixels in width and 149 pixels, height. I'm guessing that different sizes and different templates work essentially the same, just tossing out that information as a possible guide.

I tried copying the code here in this post but for whatever reason, if wasn't working. So, instead... I'm including the image below. It will HOPEFULLY, in the least, guide you to where you can make the changes. You will find the html in your template folder. Oh, and not to confuse you....there should NOT be any birds in your coding... ;)

Good Luck y'all and thanks again for all the incredible comments and emails. **I'm in the middle of a couple assignments right now, so it may a few more days until I can post a new drawing.

EDIT: Please note!! I am in no way an aficionado when it comes to coding html/blogs or anything technical! I just wanted to pass along whatever information I had that might be helpful to I had many requests for it. I'm sorry that I can't upload the actual html for easy cut and paste...the blogger formatting doesn't seem to allow this. Also, it's quite possible this code only works on the template I've used. Ultimately, it's the "header" section in your template that would need tweaking. If and when I learn more tidbits, I'm happy to share! Also, thanks to all of you who added further information in the comments section.


alan72 said...

Really lovely drawings, What program do you use to make those? or is it by hand?

Kactiguy said...

Thanks to Paige I also have a banner on my blog. I worked but it took a lot of effort. I could just be dumb though. Maybe if I had used the birds? Thanks again paige.

SooHK said...

wow, good tips, will try and see when I have time

Jon McNally said...

I have to admit that I, too, owe my banner to you, Paige. Yes, I snuck a peek at your code while formatting my own weblog. Does that make me a code thief?

Gee-willikers, those birdies are cute. Do you think that green one would be my friend?

Maria Baker said...

Found your blog on the blogger dashboard and I must say, it's fantastic. Your art is beautiful and sweet. And interesting combination that can sometimes be too sappy, but you pull it off perfectly. Bravo! Looking forward to checking this blog out again and again. Keep up the great work.

AmberLion said...

Thank you so much for posting that. I'm new to blogger and as you said, the Blogger Dashboard doesn't explain such things very well.
And again, I love viewing your artwork. The birds are adorable.

Jeremiah said...

Hey thanks for the info about how to put in your own banner. I love your drawings too. I can't wait to customize my blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip. I can't seem to figure it out for myself though. I'll have to keep trying.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the tips on adding a banner. I'm tweaking mine right now and will probably add it tomorrow. Your blog is wonderful!

BUGG said...


Thanks for the banner tips, you are sooooooo Rocking!!!


JuniperSky said...

You are a fantastic resource for creative ideas and people! Thanks!

canuk said...

Paige thanks so much for answering my post at I have been pulling what little hair I have left trying to get that banner up. The only problem is that I lost the description that goes under the title now but I can live with that. :-)

canuk said...

Woops I commented too soon. I figured out how to do it. In case anyone else needs the info you can view the code at the link below (I am unable to post the html code here).

Good luck

MariK said...

you're blog is very interesting, i have a couple of answers to your questions...

1) you can't post html because its a code so the blog will interpret it..

2) there are some templates that are a little more complicated than the minimal and in order to change the banner is required a little more knowledge of the source code and knowing what the code means.

3) you all can upload images in some free personal web like geocities and then just copying the link, that is the image will be linked in the code to some geocities site

paige said...

thanks, guys and gals! Happy it's helped some of you!

Canuk: Hmmm, I'd never been to, so someone else must have directed you here. Still, thanks for sharing that site, I'm sure it could be helpful to many of us trying to figure these stubborn coding bits out. I'm glad I was able to help a little. (I forgot to add the info about title description, so it's GREAT you have that up on Bloggertalk!)

paige said...

Thanks, Marik! You did a far better job explaining that than I ever could!

brian said...

You can do so much more than that with the css sheet.
If you don't have money to host your own images just use and link them to your site.

You can view my almost completely modded blog here.

I would like to swap links with you, I enjoy your art. You can get back to me via email. Or comment on my blog.


Eliane said...


Anonymous said...

Great tip Paige. Wish I was still with Blogger so I could test it. ;-) I love your little note: "there should NOT be any birds in your coding..." lol

Keep up your great work.

monica said...

wow :) amazing art girly... love it! thanks for the tips!

High Power Rocketry said...

Thanks for the technical info! Sorta unexpected, but a nice bonus!

fkuds said...

I loved your illustrations! They are vibrant, funny and convey exactly the emotions I think you are trying to describe. I wish I could draw like that, but my medium is words.. Oh alas, but my pen is my fortune and words, my forte!

redring said...

Thank you I just need to resize my banner. but its certantly there.

azuwa said...

gosh, I love your blog so much.
I'm actually a big fan of grafic design,and your banner is sooo cool!
I mean,how could you make those pics?it's so lovely.
and I'm beginning to envy you,for sure =]

Kochukandhari said...

Love your illustrations. They remind me of illustrations in some of my favourite books when I was a kid.

Unknown said...

Nice blog site!!!

AdamWillis said...

^^same as AnaktiBagabag ^^
I'll be checking it out again.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this information. I was struggling with this and could not quite get it right. And I love the birdies on the template drawing. It makes looking at the html template really much more fun than facing only plain text, isn't? :)

v. said...

Thanks for your great tips! It´s funny to feel so identified with other bloggers struggling for a decent banner. Great illustrations!

msevangeline said...

I like your style, it's really cool. I love sketching and drawing or any of that. Right now however I'm in love with my camera and photography. check it out if you'd like. Really really cool work you do.

Unknown said...

I feel like I am ripping my hair out here. You make it look so easy Paige. I have my banners in a photo album on:

I have beentrying and trying and I just can't seem to get it to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

F L E E said...


enjoy looking at your illustrations
heres an illustrator to another illustrator;
Keep Up The Good Work!
keep doodles cool!


Unknown Author said...

Paige, I love your drawings...

paige said...

Thanks All!!
Me, looks like you got it working on one of your blogs (the one that is using the same template as mine)
Looks good. I'm sorry I can't help you more than what I've coding skills are VERY limited. Have you tried asking at Someone might be able to help you there. All best!

Unknown said...

My hair is in tact again. Thanks Canuk. I used and I finally got it to work.

Photobucket actually gives you the html that you can just copy and paste right in!


wow, thanks for the instructions. I've been trying to figure out how to add images to permanent parts of my blog-- I'll see what I can do with your info.
You rock!

ADTC said...

As everyone says, its a good blog! I just found it on the Dashboard.

Now that Blogger launched "Blogger Images", u can simply upload the banner in a post, and then find out the address to the image. It will be found if u load the blog, go to the post with the banner, right-click the banner and click Properties. After finding out the address, put it in the template, as Paige has instructed u!

ellyjobell said...

Awesome drawings. Thanks for the Blogger help. I've been trying to get my own banner for some time.

hat-stacker said...

You should get a counter for you site too. You already have the banner, so it shouldn't be too much of a struggle for you. If you're interested, email me or something. It's interesting to know just how many people visit your blog..

PS Love the art!

Lara said...

I love the drawings as well, especially the girls in the banner. Too cute!

susan said...

your site is so cool! i love your drawings. i've recently been exposed and consumed by the food blogging world but now i can check out art too. :)

Anonymous said...

hi! your blog is cool! and the illustrations are great!
what do you think about a link exchange? let me know.
Hoping you'll answer me.

Vinod said...

WOW...amazing the color, the style. Love it!!

isay said...

thousand thanks Paige, you made it easier for me to make my banner. i have been busy lately but when i saw your post, that i decided to give it a try. you will find my new banner now.

Anonymous said...

Well, hello Paige

I read with interrest your blog, in fact, at least the last post about "having your own banner".

The fact is that I don't understand were do I have to write the HTML code to make this possible...

I'm french, live in France (nothing's extraordinary... ;) and I use, but anywhere I can modify the HMTL code of my blog-page...

So if I could have some -easy to understand, coz I actually am blond haired- explanations about all of this...

I really do apologize for my spelling...

Thx a lot


paige said...

Bryce! Je suis desolee...Je ne comprend pas tout les "html". Pas de tout. Simplement, j'ai ecrive soulement que je sais. (???)Aussi, j'ai oblie tout les grammaire et les mots en francais.
Bon chance con votre banner.

*Zut! don't I have a french grammar book around here somewhere? I'm afraid I butchered that.

Adrian said...

hey paige, nice blog! i like your drawings! great talent!

orshe.x said...

I love your pictures, I like this style very much!

High Power Rocketry said...

I tried, but it didnt work! But ill have to try again, I cant cut and paste what you did here so i had to enter it by hand... Im def. not a programmer.

The Closet Grandmaster said...

LOL!! I knew there was a reason why I bookmarked this site! THanks man...I always wanted to know how to add that banner. I think another method is to simply post a banner image to a post - just like I did for my profile. THanks again mate.

Unknown said...

Hey, if any of you are interested in counters, go to

There are a lot of counter choise and you can get lots of cool stats. You can also change the setting.

Kyle Miller said...

All I can say is that it helps to have some knowledge of HTML and CSS when editing these templates. I made my banner in Macromedia Fireworks and then pasted the relevent portions into my Blogger template.

One thing you want to be careful about is to not overwrite any of the Blogger code that allows for posts, comments and updates - otherwise, you'll be wondering why nothing's happening on your blog! If you do happen to accidently do this, it's probably easist if you start fresh with a default template.

Thanks for having such a great site, Paige! You've definitely raised the bar for humble cartoonists like myself.

pulga atómica said...

Ok, first of all, the thing is that it depends on the template you are using. They are not all coded the same, so it's a little difficult to help others. Complicated :S. Every template is a completilly different story :(

Anyway, what I wanted to show you is this web page that helps to place images in your blog. It is free and easy to use: You upload your images there and use the links it gives you. This way, the images won't be attached to your blog directly and it will load faster.

I hope it will be a helpfull tip!
Best regards, from Argentina!

Nani, la pulga atómica (the atomic flea :P)

paige said...

Hooo Weee! thanks Kyle, Nani,"me" and others!

Anonymous said...

Just want to say that I came upon your site by chance (I think through the Blogger noted sites), and I love your art! Your blogsite and website are refreshing.

I'd wondered how people personalize their blogs, so I tried your recommendation. It worked! Plus, the info you gave on the size of the banner helped, too. I'll have to play around w/ it, though.

Keep up the good work!

Stephanie said...

thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

Cool little lesson. Love the birdys. Love your art. Hope to see more soon.

Anonymous said...

Forget to mention, Im an artist(of sorts) myself so I really apreciate all the aperant work that goes into your art.

MikeS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Cygnus said...

I'm in total envy (in a good way) of your design. What good deed would I need to score a custom header :)

A Walking Coffee Bean said...

Four Words:
This Blog Totally Rocks!!!

Dave Sizer said...

Thanks for posting this code for adding a banner. I just started my blog and haven't had a chance to go in and customize it yet, but this got me started. Great artwork also, I'll be back to see more!

MikeS said...

First off, just wanted to say that I just dig your artwork! Secondly, wanted to say thanks for the banner code. Worked for me!

Marsha Loftis said...

Love the illustration. Very helpful!!!

Anonymous said...

Now if anyone knows how to add and change font styles and sizes...or add links...blogger help is not a help...argh! My email addy is for any and all help in this matter. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. You can also wrap your blog with a shell page, and include the blog content. Like mine.

Dominic said...

Thanks for the banner help. I managed to put one here- hyyp://

minnie said...

hi! tried this but couldn't figure out how to center my header. =( help!

anway, as i've said in my email your artworks are "so lovely and neatly done. Flawless and beautiful!" thought of posting it here. hehe. congrats!

Anonymous said...

I was just about to ask you about the banner. Thanks for telling us.

Michael said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I am going to start modifying my Blog starting with the banner. My first two lessons were. Your Banner size is different the one used in Rounders4. Second, if you DL the Banner image for Rounders4, you find out that the image is larger then what is displayed. Going back to the drawing board. I am going to keep a log of the changes I make on my Blog. So perhaps you can check in after a couple days and tell me if you think it is working.

Nate said...

got my own banner up.

thanks for the tips.

Marcus K.J. Mol said...

Coolio! The blogbanner thing! For the people with another blog like me. You can also put the html img src= etc. of the picture you want in the space where you normally put in your blog title. At "change settings" and then the basic field. Have Fun!

*fanny* said...

Hi Pauge,
this is me (again). I've just found out your post so please excuse me for the first comment i've just made.

Btw i really love love love your blog, i'm gonna tag it in my food blog (even if it's not food related)...

suzi * said...

hey paige..
thanku for sharing this fabulous piece of info - stoked! :)
your pics are gorgeous..
keep doing what u do.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Guilty here as well Paige - did an HTML source look at your page months ago. Thanks for the inspirational art!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - isnt that what cyberspace is all about! Now to think of something original - thats always the most difficult part for me. So far I changed my title to bright red and that excited me beyond no end!

les said...

My banner is almost how I want it, a little more tweaking, but...


Anonymous said...

Worked perfectly! Nice coding! The trick is to find WHERE the code needs to go! Love your doodles!

dsnake1 said...

Hi Paige
Just to thank you for sharing how to put a banner in the title. I managed to get my banner up.

BTW, your banner is beautiful, and your artwork is great. Wish I could draw like that.
Thanks again!

Mariegroëtte said...

Coucou Paige
I don't speack html and my english is so poor! but I understand you try to share few technicals knowledges about "how to create a sympathique blog" yours
thank thank thank...but I must be patient to find a way to change the top of my little one :)
Au revoir.

Anonymous said...

Your artwork is amazing!
Here is the code you posted (with a few tweaks to make it shorter):

<div id="header">

<h1 id="blog-title">
<a href="http://YOURBLOGURL">
<img src="http://YOURIMAGEURL.EXT" /></a>


I hope it works and that it can help anyone else who needs it.

every1can said...


Simply love your blog!!

Chibi said...

thanks for the tips for the banner! :)

Aceinstein said...

Hi Paige,
You've got some cool drawings there. Great work!

Thanks for the tips about the banner. I'm in the process of making mine I'll send you feedback on whether tthe code works.

I do some cartooning too but its mostly scenes in the market or in the local train. I'd like to get some advice on rendering and improving my stuff using Photoshop CS.

zap said...

You are VERY talented! I will keep an eye on your Blogs!

Joanne said...

I just wanted to thank you for posting a "how to" on banners. I just changed mine. Thanks!

=^..^= Kitty =^..^= said...

I adore your characters. Hope you become really famous one day!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the tips!

Si-Guy said...

Thanks so much! I have used this on two of my blogs! Thanks again! I really apteactiate it!

eLLie_PhAnT said...

Wow this is great.
really help me alot, but i actually use a different method.
I use Image Shack to get my banner URL.
U can try it out, i guess easier for u.
Thanks Thanks

Anna Woltz said...

Thanks for the help! I couldn't have done it without you!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I love you for putting this code up. Can I give you a shamelss plug on my blog?

OA said...

Thank you so much! I have no knowledge of html at all, but you made it a lot easier. Lovely illustrations by the way.

Julie said...


Anonymous said...

thanks couldn't have got my banner up without your guide

crowbarred said...

And another thank you, from me. I have spent countless hours trying and with 30 mins i was away. You have made me very happy!Now i am off to make my own gnarly one!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi, I was passing by :) and wanted to leave a msj. I'd like to exchange links with you. Send me a link and get back two links. I added your blog into my favorites. I am new to blogging. Could you please take a look at my blog and tell me what you think of it? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.

Free Spirit said...

Thanks for all this info. Still confused though. I will check out your blog so more. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. check me out and see if you can help the kids by posting on your blog. You have visitors from all over the world and I would love you to assist me.Thank you.

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to change my banner, so thank you for the info, now I think I can

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