So, a weird thing happened.. a weird, lovely and slightly overwhelming thing. Both BoingBoing and Blogger's "blogs of note" put "shout outs" to my blog on the same day. A whole lotta people, from all over, browsed on by and a great many (okay, geesh, like over a hundred of you!!!) left very nice comments. Admittedly, I became slightly obsessed with checking my email and blog for new posts because.... I just could not believe all the responses! It was absolutely crazy. So, please know that I really appreciate all of you who took the time to click and leave a comment. I thought maybe I could draw a picture of myself holding up my own swollen and oversized head...but opted instead for a simple thank you birdy. Hopefully the little bird will suffice for my big hearty thanks. And hopefully, I won't grow a huge head and start wearing an ascott.
Some folks asked to know a little more about me and/or my work. So, here's a little background: I've been paying rent as a working artist for the past 11-12 years. Starting out in the Interactive arena and now, transitioning into Animation. Most everything on my blog and site was drawn for the fun of it: to beef up the portfolio and/or to just improve my skills, (Unless otherwise noted on my site) Sometimes I just draw because I can't deal with watching anymore "Court TV". Most of my paying work does not legally belong to me OR it is something that I'm not interested in pursuing... that kind of stuff I just leave out. Most all my artwork is digital with the basic drawing done in Adobe Illustrator and textural details added in Adobe PhotoShop. I received a BFA in Illustration at a California State University. Drawing makes me happy.
A lot of people who meet me think I'm from the Mid-West. I think that's because I'm generally pretty nice, say thank you and please and smile regularly. I think maybe my drawings reflect that too. Don't be fooled though, I am native Californian and I can be just as cranky as the next guy when I'm cut off in traffic.
Let's see, what else? Hey! Have any of you checked the links in my sidebar??? Or the links page on my site? There are TONS of great artists/ illustrators and crafts-people out there doing fabulous things. I learn from all these guys on a regular basis. I love the internet...check 'em out!! I will be adding lots more as time passes too.
Again, thank you for your very kind words. Because of it, this week was extra nice.
Paige, I just came across your blog and site the other day...your work is just wonderful! And you do seem like such a nice person too. What can I say, except that looking through your blog makes me happy. Thanks!
thanks, Anon and Anna!
I've had a few requests from teachers to make the image you mentioned into a poster. I'm going to do a little research to see if it's possible and cost effective. I'll post an update about that, once I've checked my resources, etc. If you figure some way that this would be beneficial to your campaign, please contact me via email. I'd be happy to discuss options with you. Thanks again!
Great stuff :)
thank you, nice people.
(and clearly,that doesn't include you, Sthig!!) J/k! You're a peach.
Hi Paige,
I remember meeting you at a Children's portfolio day in Pasadena a couple years ago. You gave me the cutest postcardphoto/business card with a Little hawaiian girl on it. I always enjoyed your artwork and I remebered you because you were one of the nicest artists I have run across!
I was on blogger and I ran into your blog being showcased!! It's a great Blog and wonderful work! I'm happy your getting your artwork out there!!! Keep it up!
OMG~! You are wonderful. At first I couldn't believe that a person can be capable of doing such art O_o but now IMA BELIEVER! And I sure will visit all those other great artists/ illustrators!! ^___^ I hope you have another EXTRA NICE week. Thank you for sharing with us your wonders.
Isn't the blogosphere a nice place, offering up many kind words from strangers.
Neat artwork, Paige.
PS -
did you do the NYC Wendy Antiques show illustration?
I love this bird... it's so simple. I think I'm going to make this my new desk top picture.
Your work is fabulous , I'm glad people are letting you know!
i'm glad i found your site. i also want to be an artist and thought the best way to improve my skills was to check out other peoples art. it's a weird technique but it works. i think your art's pretty cool. i'm gonna check out the links.
love your blog
it is a pleasure to come across something like this
I am from Argentina though the web keeps us together
Hi Paige -
I actually posted earlier:
Anonymous said...
Paige, I just came across your blog and site the other day...your work is just wonderful! And you do seem like such a nice person too. What can I say, except that looking through your blog makes me happy. Thanks!
Anyway, as a P.S., I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me to submit an illustration to Illustration Friday. I've really been wanting to put more time into drawing and writing (and not focus so incessantly on work-related stuff) which is why I decided to start a blog. Finding your blog and following your many wonderful links has been so energizing for me! Thanks again. :D
I love the specely look in your shading. that is my favorite part. what kind of noise/bruch do you use to get that affect?
I love the little birdie, sooooo cute!
Have you thought of making blog templates and selling them. I would buy your work, seriously!
Hi Paige,
Your blog is great.
Do you mind if i copy one of your blog's pictures? cos i am writing a post on interesting blogs.I will use it to link it to your blog.
bloody hell paige, you are one serious writer, why not read my scientists corner posts? i'me sure you can leave some comments and of course, engoy it!
Hey, nice blog...I just happened past whilst getting some inspiration for my blog..I just started using blogger.com as the ass-holes at MSN just deleted my space I had going for almost a year now...I would appreciate any help or suggestions you may be able to provide, seeing as how your blog is excellent.
I need your help - your drawings and musings are what we need. I work at a winery in San Luis Obispo, and we throw a breast cancer event every October. Could you draw us your ballet girl / metropolitan girl, with a glass of wine? To use for tshirts to donate money to the American Cancer Society?
pleeeeeease? Drop me an email:
You're all very nice people. Thank you.
Ooh la la: This sounds interesting. I will write you an email tomorrow.
Smurf_abuse: Not sure what help I can be. I'm very limited with my blogger knowledge. If you have a specific question, I can try and help.
m: I'm not sure I understand your post. But, STHIG is a pal. A pain-in-the-ass kind of pal but we all just tolerate him. Don't worry, he means no real harm.
Carla: I'm so happy you will be participating in Illustration Friday! It's so much fun!
Witch: thank you. And no, I didn't do the NYC Wendy Antiques illustration. I'd love to see it though
Christina: Ah man, that is so nice of you. Thank you so much. It's so cool you remember that drawing!
I like that one alot! :) As usual, very nice!
I love your illustrations - what a great talent!
Hi paige, needless to say your work is amazing! Really you have good taste. Why are you trying to convince us you can be cranky? Sorry, your drawings say the opposite lol!! I guess we -people- tend to like people who create beautiful things *SO MUCH*!! I love to draw too but with pencils, sometimes painting but when I find the time, and I noticed that people tend to like me more after they see my drawings! Isn't it great? lol! Again, your drawings are *AMAZING* they're so cute and pretty, suit my taste a lot! And we all think you're nice and pretty and cute and very much lovely too all based on everything in your blog!
Cheerz! ;)
Keep the illustrations coming in! Enjoyed your works, keep the passion going!
nice Illustration
I also stumbled upon your blog because of the "Blogs of Note", and just thought I'd say that I love your drawings. I have always been boggled by visual art/artists, so I tend to stick to making music.
Keep up the good work!
nice work, see my blog also and if possible help me with tips.
bellicosebengali.blogspot.com. Your work is envious.
Wow great job on your blog. Your illustrations are simple yet captivating. And your blog's just really cool...makes me look like an amateur ;) Well keep up the good work and will link your blog to mine ***when I figure out how*** still new at this whole blogging thing!
You should turn it into a head bobber lol. Great work.
fabulous art! love it :) thank you for making the world prettier
i love the pictures! ((:
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