Off to Northern California for a family reunion. I'm so looking forward to seeing my parents, sister, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and my grandpa and great uncle too. We're going to eat good food, tell stories, drink some beer (Pooler's love beer) and pose with "bunny ears" in pictures. It's what we do. And I like that.
Hoo wee, just had an earthquake here! Exciting. Scary. Not too sure how major it was somewhere but it shook pretty good here. Oh, news says it was 5.3...so it wasn't too-too major. But still, things were swinging here and I even felt dizzy as I stood patiently in the doorway waiting for it to complete. Earthquakes are always soo crazy. They freak me out but afterwards, it's weirdly euphoric. In the good old days...I used to always yell out "EARTHQUAKE" when they occurred. One time, I was taking a nap with the dogs and cat, alone at home....yet, I still felt the urge to yell aloud, "Earthquake!!!". Which is ridiculous, really...as if Punkin, Pepsi and Phoebe really needed this vital information...all they knew was that their naps had been disturbed.
After the big Northridge quake, I was yelling "Earthquake!" quite a bit. The next day, may parents and sister came up for a visit. We had a nice jolt moments after they arrived. Immediately, I yelled out "AFTERSHOCK!" and my sister was quick to berate me. "Gee Paige, you're getting to be quite an expert in discerning the difference between the two" . tee hee. I swear, I really don't know that I'm saying anything at all...I guess it's just my natural instinct. As silly as that is. This time, I didn't yell or scream anything...but, I'm sure the words "Shit, earthquake" did exit my mouth. I did just run outside to see if there were any neighbors around. But no. Dangit. Anyhoo, this was not what I was going to post about today BUT was interrupted by it. Hoooo weeeee. Maybe it's a REALLY good thing I'm heading north! My legs are still a little shaky.
Ok, I'm a little distracted from what I was going to write about. So, maybe later...I'll talk more about my fabulous family. And they are fabulous.
Edit: I'm back. Quake wasn't too big or bad. It's been downgraded to a 4.9 (News reports say) in the desert. Nothing broke...no reports of injury. Phew. Now, I'm really ready for my drive up North.