OK! Soooooo, I figured I ought mention my long absence from this blog and since this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month n' all, now is as good a time as any, right? On day 3 of my new job last year, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. GAH!! Can you believe it??! I couldn't either. It was not FUN in any way, but I did get through it. With incredible love, humor and support from friends and family too. I am very lucky (it's all relative, you know) and I'm OK now. We caught it early and treated it aggressively. So now, I get to return to living my long, happy and full life!
I'm a survivor, damnit! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO! (and I really mean that WOOO HOOO part!)
Certainly, I'm open to share my experience or answer questions you might have. I'm actually really open about all of that. Sometimes, I fear, maybe a little TOO much so. However, I'd prefer not muddle this blog with too much on this particular subject nor do I want to scare anyone away by the mere mention of it. Trust me, I want to get back to DRAWING! The experience of this past year has definitely,
profoundly changed me. It scared me, scarred me and taught me a whole lot about life and death and what is really important. I hope I never lose sight of that. Soooooooo, with all that said...LADIES (AND GENTS TOO)--early detection is KEY. Please, please, do regular self examinations. And, Ladies, get those yearly mammograms by the time you're 40!!! OKAY?!??! Please!
The earlier you catch it, the easier it is to treat and better the prognosis!
Here's a lite take on the BEFORE, DURING and AFTER process that is breast cancer for many: straight hair to no-hair to some crazy-poodle-hair. (chemo freaks out the hair follicles)

*thanks to "anon" for inspiring me to draw this today.