The topic for this week's Illustration Friday is the "80s". Like, totally!
I had a lot of fun thinking about things that reminded me of the Eighties tonight....things like; parachute pants, Aqua Net'd bangs, clove cigarettes, izods, burmuda shorts and topsiders, early Madonna, rockin' with the likes of Van Halen or Nightranger, Olivia Newton-John (the "Let's get Physical" era) baggy socks and LA Gear sneakers and dolphin shorts!
And just how do I know SOOOO MUCH about the "80s"?
Well, youngin's...I was, like totally, there.
Yes, like, that does resemble a Mullet! (However, I believe we called that a "tri-level" hairstyle back then) Egads!!
bermuda shorts i like wearing them! cool Illustration and you look great in your picture!
I owned parachute, gag me with a spoon!
Hilarious! Love the drawings. They bring back memories for me too.
Heehe....lovely characters!!! I love the first one!!!! They are all great. May I link your blog? Great work!
These are brilliant!! You totally capture the fashion!! And thanks for sharing you old photo. U're HIP!!
BTW, do people use "HIP" to describe "trendy" here in the US back then?
Love those drawings - no.3 could get away with that look today.
Great figures...and you guys are pretty brave posting your 80's pics with the stylin' do's (or more accurately don'ts)...but you look better in your mullet than I did in mine...
Fun drawings! Hope all is well!
love the drawing. you were hot!
great charactors. they each have a story,i'm waiting for them to start walking and talking!
like OH my Gawd! this rocks and you were a cutie pie. the '80s will never die!! :)
Oh my gawd stop're like making me so totally melancholy!
I was a teen in the 80's. Best ERA EVER!!
PS You look very cute btw and the illo's hilarious!
80s hairstyles rule! Even though they kind of made people look older than they really were. I look at the 80s yearbooks from my high school and I can't tell the kids in there are high school students @_@
Hi Paige,
Thank you very much for your super kindness in LA. we were already back to ice town!!
your arts gives me happy.
I love your arts and photos!!
Thank you very much again Paige.
see you in summer!!
an awesome line up of characters... or should I say, "heavy" in 80s lingo? :o)
Great 80's illo. Your post really brought back memories.
I remember seeing a lot of tri-level haricuts in Japan back then! We also had 'surfer cuts' which was somewhat like a tri-level. Love the illutrations!---yukako
wowzers! I love your style. Your characters have a lot of charm and personality. They made me smile. Thank you :)
Paige, You are so RAD! Totally Awesome. (I think I still talk like that. Scary...)
Great the animations.:)
The 80's were great!:)
Love the illustration! Your school photo cracked me up! I had the exact same haircut back then!
How about cassio calculator watches and velcro stap sneakers?
These are cool, Paige!! A rare treat to see your raw pencil sketchies.
thanks everyone! It was fun sketching these and fun to revisit my yearbook too, for that matter.
Alina, I don't think "hip" was the word back then. It was (at least here in Southern California) more "RAD!" like Antrese mentioned. "Rad" is short for "radical" which, really makes no sense, but I said it ALL THE TIME back then.
Shannon, I think you are right. I think the hairstyle might have been called "bi-level" and not "tri-level"...there I go forgetting/exaggerating again!! ;0)
You all are very RAD!
So glad to find some new Pooler GR8ness.
I was totally like, there too!
Thx 4 the memories! And speaking of, here's one.....
Brings back an old memory when hairspray was THE KING of the town and nearly being blinded by the stuff as I walked past a friend's locker. Hair was also so BIG then, how could she have possibly missed!
Love the drawing, Paige.
Paige, as hot as ever.. of course!
y'all are soooo YOUNG! My daughter was a teen in the 80s. She was IN LOVE with Michael Jackson. (Of course, she was too old for him.)
I am definantly #3!!! But now that I've grown my bangs out (3 years ago) ... I can see a wrinkled forehead and now want those bangs back! :O)
Fun picture you posted of you in the 80s. You look like at least 5 friends of mine back then.
I ask you... who's the guy below you? Not sure I recognize that "doo" back then. ;O)
hi and thanks for your posts, folks!
It's so nice to hear from each and everyone of you! Jtruss and Smook---I'ma big fan of both of you.
Shawn: funny question. The head below me belonged to a rock-a-billy/ punk/new wave girl. She might have been a little confused about her look.
Ach, but that's what high school is for.
That haircut was very big in France last time I was there, I swear!
Very brave of you to post this. Don'yt worry,..all boys and girls looked like this in the 80's. You are not alone.
Oh My God Paige. We couldve totally hung out back then too :)
LOVE it! You brave, brave girl. But, I think my super tall hair-sprayed split-level bangs from the early 90's could have given your tri-level a run for it's money. :) Long live the 80's!
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