I don't know about you...but I don't think it would be terrible to have Pizza Only, for the rest of my life...as long as it's good pizza and different toppings were available! I really cannot remember ever having a pizza I didn't enjoy. Can you??
Anyway...these spot illustrations were for this months' "J-14 Yikes!" magazine...which is a popular magazine for the "Hannah Montana"/ "High School Musical" set. Well, I'm guessing that based on all the photos of Miley Cyrus and Zac Efron throughout the magazine. Anyway, the illustrations were a silly and gross little "quiz" of sorts... i.e. "Would you rather eat nothing but pizza for the rest of your life or never eat pizza again?"
"Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?"
Yep..I'm serious...I didn't make up the scenarios...just drew the pictures.
"Would you rather wear your ski jacket all summer or your bathing suit all winter?"
"Would you rather shave your head or dye your hair neon green?"
My answers....
1. Even though I like pizza, I'd rather never eat it again. I'd cry about it though. I just don't think I could never not eat the occassional ice cream, slice of bacon, taco, or sushi roll. No can do.
2. Definitely socks.
3. Um, ski jacket? Unless I loose that 15 lbs! THEN I'll...um...yeah, no...no, I won't. Ski Jacket.
4. Since I've shaved my head before, I'd go with dying my hair neon green. (hopefully, it'd be one of those wash out dyes...)